Thursday, August 25, 2005

Counting Loonies

So i have arrived, we have internet, and tomorrow we will have a phone.

Right now, i am sitting on a small square of rubber matting in the basement. They could not find a way to bring the cable upstairs so it appears that we will be forced to buy a wifi router... most likely an airport if i can hurry up and get a job. That is the deal you see, get a job buy a Mac with the planting money. I have come to realize that there are few things i enjoy more than just sitting in front of the loving glow of a personal computer. So i think spoiling myself with a Mac is warranted.

I just have to get a job first.

Winnipeg may seem from afar as just a bigger version of Saskatoon, but it is important to remember that bigger is better. They have a downtown paved in cobble stone. They have two rivers. There is a place that blows glass just down the street from my house. The area we live in could not be better. There are about three Broadway-ish streets here and we are in the crux of them all. The down town is a five minute bike ride away.

I need book shelves.

Too much tea.

I am running low on pot, which is bad... as i am filling my free time with getting stoned and playing Fable. I really do not know how any one could have asked for more in a game... that being said i haven't beat it yet, and am not yet ready to beat it, but it looks as if it may be almost at that point.

Having a hard time thinking.

Okay, that is all for now, more later.



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