Friday, September 09, 2005

PM Wins Over Japan

No Kites

in a

No Fly Zone

You know what? I’m glad I left when I did and missed your fancy shamancy fireworks show mr.Saskatchwan. Winnipeg had a lighting storm reminiscent of a photo shoot for God. There was a flash so bright in front of my eyes that I could see burnt into my vision where the windshield wiper had been when the flash went off.

So for the last three days I have been putting on the white stripes and not turning them off until I have made my way through every album. Then I will listen to the new Gorillas, or Sufjan album, and listen to them all again. I did this once with Rage Agianst the Machine, but I could feel myself slowly going insane and one day just kind of snapped and deleted all their music off my computer.

Egypt just fired its government. Election on the 11th in Japan. I wonder if they did that to stick it to the Americans? What is the general feeling towards America in Japan? Sure they sell us fuel efficient cars, and high definition TVs, but are they not still pissed off about being nuked twice?

I would be.


It is far too hot out for Sean’s to be skating with fedoras on. Shorts and t-shirt left me in a muggy mess stumbling to the mall in a sprawl for papers. I found that I was indeed perhaps a little higher than I had anticipated. The ordeal at the bank left me with the impression that the cashier thought I may be cracked out. The hot to cold shock did all it could to impound the problem, but I will admit that I enjoyed this little taste of creature comfort. Back across the street with the hot to cold muddle, I had to convince myself that cheese bread was just Safeway’s way of tricking me into giving them my four dollars, and not a delicious trip through sourdough goodness. I did however cave for the Tim Horton’s frozen coffee extravaganza. Pitter patter, pitter patter, dropped my skate board to make a clatter. I approached Zelfare with hopeful hopeings that I would find what I am looking for. Then, after some quick direction from a sales clerk i see it... Low and behold, this is not your mothers stack of construction paper. This is the kind of construction paper that gave a notable boost to the logging industry. For as many colours as there are it works out to about a dollar a colour and... god damn it! Tyler doesn’t have this thing set on Canadian spelling! Blood hell. What was I talking about?



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