Wednesday, September 14, 2005

There is so much I never wanted to tell you.

I was worried, for a moment there when the computer crashed that all I had written might be lost to time. But it hasn’t. Good ol word backed it all up for me, despite my not naming a file yet. Just tucked it away until I got back.

I’m taking a break from writing by getting stoned, and writing. This here now to you the reader. You won’t be getting to see my project just yet, oh no, I’ll never show, what mad mans ideas have reaped... or sown... okay. Fine I’m writing a play. You twisted my arm. I feel like I’m bragging. That’s sad. (a moment of sad for sean.) I’m writing a play, and I like the idea. It is new, or at least, I’ve never seen it, nor any one else that I’ve told the idea too. So, here is hoping. I’m four or five minutes written, first draft. Not very impressive, but we are working with a good base. Oh yeah. We. Tyler and I are writing it. I should have said. I like the idea. It is rare that I like an idea, that is workable. I know it is good because it is writing itself. I’ve spend an evening at the key board, and evening punctuated by getting stoned, eating, and star craft, and I’ve already got a base. A good workable idea. I feel like I have found gold. Like I am going to do this until it is finished and then take it across Canada so help me god.

I want nothing more than to do a fringe play next summer.

I should be working harder at this.

Oh well I’ll start tomorrow... ahh...

So it is one of those nights. I don’t feel as tired because my nose has cleared up. I feel like I can breath and live and understand again. You know that first day you feel better? That first day you get your lungs back and your brain turns back on because it is now finally receiving enough oxygen. It is one of those.

So I started thinking, hey, I’ve been smoking these last few days, but only the take the edge off the boredom/dampen the voices in my head, kind of smoking. I hadn’t been baked in a long time. So two bong rounds of hydro and a mystery bud bowl from Thrysus I am now baked. I like the idea of being able to go to the glass studio and renting it out for an hour. Do you hear that James? Any time I want a new bowl for my bong, I can go make my own! How are things back in Saskatoon anyways?


Oh Brutus, why did you twist the knife?

Here is a funny thing about living with Tyler that I don’t mind him reading in this post. He will often times make rather funny assumptions about... things. He thinks of the most logical reasoning in any given situation and then assumes everyone else will think the same. More often than not I agree with what ever he assumes, but I think he forgets we also live with a woman.

More fun insight on what it is like to live with Tyler after these messages.

My name is Sean, and this is the story of my life. On December sixtieth I was born around seven thirty pm in Misericordia Hospital Winnipeg Manitoba Canada North America Terra Firma. Nine pounds six ounces. I doubt I’ll ever smoke that much pot. I was lucky enough to be born by caesarean section so my genitals didn’t pass through my mothers even once. I was brought home two days later, after being okayed from some initial lung problems. My mom said I peed on the nurse who was trying to put my first diaper on. She had been reading the little house one the prairie books... or was that with my sister?

Our car was stolen and I was telling the police officers how they broke the glass and took it. I can remember being intelligent at that age, which is strange. I mean, now, I’ve always thought, for as along as I can remember that I am intelligent to a certain level. I personally do not feel that the level of my intelligence has grown... at all, since then. I knew what was going on, and I could communicate what was going on to others. I just use longer words now.

A neighborhood child who keeps taking my toys receives black eye.

That might have been swift current. I’m so fucking prairie. I only moved to Winnipeg so when I moved to Montreal I wouldn’t have to say I’m from Saskatoon. I’m just saying.

Swift current is stealing baseballs from the kids playing on the diamonds. The girl next door eating sand, and her father always having some animal around, on account of being some forest ranger type. Her name was Jodi, my sister named her Cabbage Patch doll after her. The first time I got to hold a Nintendo controller was at the boy down the blocks house. He yelled at me one day while I was walking around. I went over to see what he was yelling about, and we started talking. He had the first street fighter. You know the really shitty one? Or the really shirt port for the NES? Well he had that. And the girl across the street who had a million dolls also had a secret room in her basement that went to some Mario esk fantasy world, that I tried so hard to believe in when I was younger that my memory now is so modified that I remember going there as real. Memory is a strange thing.

Then Saskatoon is school, divorce, Sutherland, and all the other horrible things I do not feel like remembering right now. I remember in our back yard in Swift Current pilling up the soft powdered snow, and jumping off the edge of the balcony into it. When I was in grade one and two, and would think about what it must be like to not have to go to school, I would wish to be back in that place. In the piles of soft snow.


And all the pretty things I could have written.


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