Monday, June 04, 2012

Nosce Teipsum

I quote Hobbes a lot. 
Both the stuffed, and  Thomas kind.

In his work Leviathan he used the term Nosce Tipsum, read thyself, which has come to be reinterpreted in many different ways since, most commonly now as Know thyself. It can be traced back further to the Greek temple of Apollo, but I was not going to use Greek characters in the title of my post. 

I am a critic. A skeptic. I have been, and will be. I have known it for a long time, and it is something I have had to come to deal with. I am also sarcastic, but fuck any one who cannot handle that. I remember in high school I was called out by Eric for "judging people for what they think." At the time, I said "Well how else am I to judge them?" but I have since come to see his point. He was right, you cannot judge a person by what they have come to believe.  But instead of giving up being judgemental I just changed the parameters I used to critique people. And γνῶθι σεαυτόν sums it up rather well.

I can taste the anti biotics because the anti biotics are in my tongue. Within four hours I started to feel better. One of the pills is to calm the side effects of the other two pills, so that was likely why I felt so great. The first day I went to the beach and felt awesome. Now the anti biotics are in full swing and my system has crashed. That is by design, but whoooa. What a ride. The side effects, are strong. I have lost my memory, I have a fever, going to the bathroom a lot, and last night I literally dragged myself across the floor in a state of delirium trying to make it the toilet to puke. And then for fifteen minutes nothing comes up. Rather painful and unpleasant over all, but really it is not even half as bad as some night have been in the last three months. 

So I am really fucking sick, and feeling better than I have in months. It will be good to get the results of the biopsy, it is the last strand that yet hangs in the unknown. It might even come back saying I am a celiac. That would be nice. 

Remember kids, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and gives you a prescription for anti depressants, then it is very likely a duck. Quack Quack. I would also like to give a shout out to the councillor who told she could cure me just by talking with me if I accepted Jesus into my heart. I called you on being full of shit to your face, and now I feel even better about it. I hope something runs you over. 

So Yes. I am a little bitter about it all. It has been a long time, and I have seen doctors in three provinces about this and it took Dr.Keith four minutes to find out what is wrong. And while I was a little loopy at the time, I am fairly sure 90% of that time was getting the camera down my throat. But. It just might be over now. After sixteen years, it just might all be well. So lets hope they hurry along with the biopsy. The suspense is killing me.