Thursday, February 16, 2012


It seems that people all over the world love Dominion. No one I have ever shown it too wanted to stop playing after the first round. One of my friends here in town was over last night with his girl friend and we played three games. Then he showed up again today on his own for another two games. So it seems to do pretty well no matter where you go, makes me want to get another few sets of cards. Perhaps I will keep an eye on ebay. When i get the internet again.

I almost started playing Diplomacy again, but now that I would have to go to Starbucks for each round it no longer has much appeal. Did not sleep very well last night, well really i did not fall asleep until around ten am and did not wake up until three. Still, now at eleven I am almost ready for bed again. It is a hard life. So I cannot just lay and sleep. My guts need to be cradled a certain way or they start to get really sore. So I am stuck laying in one of two positions all night trying not to upset my torn up guts, which has now started to cause me back pain, as I am always laying on this one part of my back.

On the plus side, this chilli is damn tasty. It has only a soup bone to flavor the protein side of things, as i forgot the beans until it was half done. And beans take a while. So they will wait for some thing else. The corn was cut into five pieces and dropped cob and all into the brew, and will have to be done from now on. It shifts the focus for a while, is very tasty, and way faster than trying to skin it raw. So bonus to corn.


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