Friday, February 24, 2012

Not Canon

I went all out and got crackers. They were on sale, so I thought why not. It will break my soy fast, but I will keep an eye out for any reactions. I also got some Nut Thins, and a few larbars. Processed foods are expensive. Wow, it is only nine? It feels like midnight. I am ready for bed. Too much excitement for me. Feel like hell.

Drink more water.

Then more.

Then bed.


Wake now.

How much pain do I have to be in before I call for help? My kidneys really hurt last night and my urine had a oily film on top of it. Horray for slow death. Woke up early and felt alright, but stayed in bed until almost noon. Now I feel much better, but have yet to eat anything. Drinking lots of water, and a smoothy waits for me in the refrigerator.

Hours later.

Ended up eating a lot today. Bowl of stew, the smoothy, two cobs of corn, two eggs, a whole pile of spinach, a squash. Cheese. Hardly been out of bed twelve hours and i am ready for bed again. Went to the card shop today and spent some time beating a kid who literally had won a gold medal at the special Olympics earlier in the day at his favourite Civil war game. I would have felt bad beating him, but he wins all the time. It is the only game he ever plays.

I like competitive table top gaming a lot. I miss it considerably. And truth be told, if all works out for mexico next winter, I likely will end up selling my collection. They do not have a version of Warmachine translated to Spanish yet. And I did not do a spanish lesson today. Hom hum, try to get two done tomorrow... before the bbq. Got myself involved with a bbq tomorrow. Should be good to eat something cooked on coals.

Rattle snakes are a big problem out here. Who knew? I am not allowed out to a Ranch until i have some high hard boots. They sleep most of the winter, but you know, it is a fucking snake, and you do not really get a second chance once you are a bitten by one. So boots. Do not know if I could swing that. Some people have some really fancy boots here, but I have not noticed too many outlandish belt buckles.

Feels like i may have had too much to eat. Should be an interesting night. Drink more water.

Then bed.

Rinse and repeat.

Sort of.

A full day later.

Last night was bad. Really bad.

Then I went and ate too much at the bbq. It was all so very tasty, and in true texas style there was more meat than any number of people could have hoped to eat. I learned how to make mexican rice. Most people do not mind the taste of aspartame. It is something I simply cannot oblige. I tried not to be rude, and have a sip or two, but golly gee. Nasty stuff.

Tired, and sore. Horray.

A day later. I am a little worried as to how well my body handles red meat. I keep avoiding it on account of Oprah, and every time I do have it I concern myself with how it will come to pass. No issues to report however, indeed I feel better, and slept better than I had in a long time. Rice and meat.

Whooooyeah. Dominion. Alternate victory cards are always worth it. They might seem a little strange at first, but if there are even one or two cards that will help you max out on them, they are a gold mine. I am getting really good at the game, and if i had a dollar to spare, I would pick up another set of cards. I think Hinterland or Intrigue are next on the list. I guess I will have to see how much it costs to fly back to Canada. Gotta get card sleeves for them all as well. There is an online undead theme expansion that I want to copy out, but when i did the math for how much it costs to make my own cards, it came out to around a hundred dollars. Which could get me two full official sets. So I think I may just select out a few cards from it and replace my Chancellors and sticker over the blank cards.

My suitcase has torn itself apart. It did so just as I arrived in Dallas. The only thing that was lost was my ipod. Which makes me believe that some one pocketed it. The rip ran right round the whole zipper, so it is a little beyond repair. Which should make packing to go home an interesting adventure. I might have to ship some things home federal express style. It would be bogus to pay import tax on things i already own. Not sure how that would work.

Oh yeah... camping. The week after spring break I have a chance to go camping with some folks I have gotten to know here. Camping on the Golf of Mexico sounds like a pretty good idea. Maybe I will wait on dominion until I am working again. I hear Mexico can be really nice.


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