Tuesday, March 14, 2006

God must have been a colour blind

And then the lights came on,
In the middle of the night,
What I should do with my life,
How I should spend my time,
I'll be a stock broker and I'll get me a wife,
Gave the diamonds cut,
And have the diamonds.


They measure nuclear weapons in megatons. How many hundreds of thousands of tons of dynamite would we need to make a fire ball to rival this wonderful little monstrosity. I realize that no one group of scientists worked on the weapon and that the research was spread out as far as Canada, but at some point some one had to be there to compile it all. Did it not cross their minds that perhaps they should take a step back, muddle the mixture a little so that it just did not work? Instead they send letters to the Emperor of Japan urging him to step down, warning of a terrible wind.

At times I wonder what would happen if some high flying aircraft started carpet bombing the city. Would I still go to work? Obtaining food would seem like my new priority. Would they invoke the war measures act? Would they set up safe houses and shelters for the victims of the raids? What could be done to stop these flying monsters?

The big eight met in Moscow recently, to discuses everything from bird flu to the growing energy problem. It finally came down on the table that we are going to run out of oil, then gas, then coal, and then we are fucked. They discussed openly for the first time about how if a revolutionary new clean source of energy is not found that we will be facing a crisis rather shortly. China has promised to keep energy consumption twenty percent below the annual domestic growth to try avoiding the need to import any more oil. Russia is going to build thirty new nuclear reactors. The diplomat from the United States said increased trade was the solution. I wonder if they are seen as morons within the international diplomatic communities.

Iran is a very wealthy country. They have more in common with us than you know, and like us they want the right to nuclear power. At the moment the USA, Britain and the EU are all very concerned about them acting on this right. So much so that they were within stabbing distance of referring the matter to the UN to impose sanctions against them... which would be fallowed by missiles. However just as it seems all is coming apart Russia holds up its hand and get in the way waving its veto status in every ones face saying that they want to talk with Iran first to see if something can be worked out.

So far nothing has been worked out. Maybe nothing will be worked out, but this is only a small problem in the scheme of things. Within the next twenty-five years many of the worlds developing nations will be looking to nuclear power as the answer. Keeping them at bay is not going to be possible forever. Soon everyone will have reactors, every one will be able to enrich, and every one will be able to build weapons.

I just hope I am dead by then.



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