Friday, January 13, 2006


I feel I should say something to the effect of,

James is holding pictures to the wall and then looking to me for approval. He has a small nail and a determined sprit. There is a hammer downstairs, but that would be too easy. Close to the light switch.

The space bar, it is broken sir. I am not wholly sure what is wrong, but it sure is having trouble fulfilling its task of adding spaces between my letters. Precious, precious spaces.

We have a new tree. It was twenty two dollars from home depot. It is twice as big as our other similar tree which cost the same only before Christmas. Maybe if we did away with corporate holidays and let people just get things on their birthdays people would consume thing a little more evenly all year round and not fuck the economy just before spring.

I look forward to nothing, like I look forward to spring. These last few plus one days have only intensified my craving for shorts, clean pavement, new tires, and no one driving down town at night. This city was build with the long boarder in mind.

Settlers of Catan has expired. My free trial computer version of the game, has come to an end less than a day after it was installed. It is really too bad, as I was learning a lot. I got the game just before Christmas, and it has been gently rocking my world ever since. The rules are simpler than monopoly, and it has more strategy than risk. It is wonderful. Myself and Towelle played four game in a row, and only stopped because every one else refused to play any more.

Beats the hell out of going to the bar.

Or any manner of other things.


If you are worried, you aren’t paying attention.

I fear a conservative government.

A conservative government would result in me losing faith in my fellow Canadians! And if that happens I am likely to be come marginally more irritable. Prone to yelling at strangers, and kidnapping children.

Only write about the crimes you will never commit.

So I guess I have nothing else to say.

Uehen then.

My kinds your kind, I’ll stay the same.


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