Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Subtlest Story Teller

The collective writings of the last twelve days.

I should have been a Shaman.

I have been wearing your scarf like candy around my neck
The smell of memory fleeting keeps me awake
I try not to forget.

So James and I are playing halo, and by chance we both kill each other at the same moment and the score falls on thirteen - thirteen. I then proclaimed that who ever makes the next kill would lose the match. James makes the shot gets the score to thirteen -fourteen ahead of me but surely enough I managed to make a spree and prevail over Brown. Then the next two games in a row I win with a score of twenty-five to thirteen. Then in the fourth game James Brown manages to get fourteen points with myself only one kill from victory, but surely enough he kills himself drops his score to thirteen and I kill him to make it the third game in a row. Then it happened again. So I stopped playing. Four games in a row is a bad sign, I think I may have inadvertently cursed James.

Pift, inadvertently.

I wrote that last paragraph almost three days ago now, and since then about half our games end in the score twenty five thirteen. It happened three times yesterday.
(Editors note: In the twelve days since that was first written the score has been twenty five - thirteen more times than I can count. It really has gotten out of hand.)

Divine light

Like retching

Twenty two years old,
and I am already tired,
When all I do is sleep.

The ripples of the day,
Waves out from the stones,
Dropped from bridges
To pass the time.

Sedated into tranquility.
Ends justifying means.
So time passes.

Inner peace


I once said I wanted to be away from you,
When the time was needed.
Now that you are beyond my reach
I can only weep to myself.
May our insight lead like hindsight
And our path be forset on all side.

Do not become so attached to a poem that you forget the truth that lacks lyricism.

Do not become so attached to a faith that you forget its just a social paradigm.

You have been conditioned to be everything you are.

Looking back at the situation from the outside, I must admit that it would have looked rather odd to Brown. When I leapt from my chair and landed on the tips of my toes in the middle of the room. Taking two steps toward the kitchen still on toe, then stopping, waiting, pirouette towards the door, stop wait, turn and place a toe on the first stair. Wait, look up stairs, and then run up the stairs.

Of course I was just trying to figure out where the draft was coming from. Which was the window upstairs in the bathroom. Sometimes we forget to close it. Or open it...

Floating nightly on the ocean of your love,
In a small wood boat I stay floating.
Look up and feel as away from you as the stars,
Though their light is guiding,
It is their light that I wish washed over me.

I think Tyler would like to teach me that stealing is bad.

But property theft from a mindless soulless inhuman cooperation does the economy good! By forcing the corporations to pull tighter and tighter they only add stress to their frail design. Something has to snap before there is change. By undermining their efficiency I am pushing for change in a world where they make it hard to believe in anything. What damage am I doing? What more could I do? I could fly to Africa but I think I will try to help out at home a bit first.

The more I look around and the more I think about things around this city the more I realize that a change will come in our lifes time. Capitalism is the evil seed within our society, pitting on against another. Rewarding those who dare to be the most cutthroat. I am naive and largely uneducated on the matter, so I am in no place to be arguing with you right now but I am working on my manifesto. You will be the first to see.

A working class hero.

You think that after only a years passing since I worked for western grocers that I would have been a little more than hesitant to go running back. Oops. I am tired of the government and their silly games to get me money. After my first check back with the warehouse I am just going to get a regular loan from the bank and buy everything I need. Work and glass when I can... until I get the union. Then part time. Pay the loan and not have to worry about zoning, fire permits, and people snooping around to see how business is going. If I tell them I want a loan for five grand to buy a couch they will likely just give it to me. Then I get the torch, and maybe buy a house. You can get them for three hundred dollars a month here. Like borscht!

Did you know you get can weasel a tax break if you own more than one house?

You know where socialism is really starting to heat up? England. There are areas where a residence is six times the average annual household income. The low price of tin has forced the workforce into mcJobs for a minimal wage and a desolate future in tourism. So what are they doing about it? I will show you... want to see what the futurelooks like?

You can learn a lot from a commie.

Did you know that the managers at Domo drive around all day from location to location counting money? They fix accounting errors and give motivational talks to the underpaid and under appreciated. They want you to work hard, because they get a bonus based on how many litres of gas you sell. You of course would never see any of this bonus as a simple employee; hell you were not supposed find out about it.

All I am saying is that it is possible to do things differently, but more than just differently, we can do it better. Democracy is still possible within socialism as is commercialism and freedom of speech and all that other bull shit the states is so hard up about. Socialism is not about controlling and regulating the way you live your life. This is only what they tell you it is about, to scare you into buying another happy meal. Socialism is about making sure the basic needs of every one are taken care of first. Food, shelter, healthcare, education should all considered basic human right. It is insane to think that we have made it this far with out some basic framework in place for taking care of everyone.

No one teaches you to raise a kid! Well some one should fucking well start teaching! How hard can it be to instate a program that teaches mothers basic mothering techniques? Offer them additional social assistance if they go through a one-month seminar on why not to shake a baby, why not to drink, why to sing, why play peek-a-boo.

Do not! Do not! Do not ask why! Do not! Do not! Do not ask why!

If you were to take a small capitalist island only ninety miles away from a very large and angry nation that decided it was not going to trade with you, forcing you to only do business with countries half the world away, how long would it be before that system came crashing down? Yet on the principals of all people being equal, with no one left behind, Cuba has managed to survive under the shadow of the most oppressive and ignorant nation to ever plague this planet. By working together they have managed to do what no economist would have ever bet on.

Kill Kill!

I listen to a disgusting amount of Joanna Newsom. Every time I listen to her I fall a little more deeply. Every time I feel love swell within me, this must be how regular people feel for the ones they love.

My hand smells like vomit? I do not remember puking on it, or placing it in another spu.

Cry do I deserve her with unflagging fervour!
Well no we do not if we cannot get over it.

I have been reading about nuclear reactors a lot lately. Enough that some one is likely monitoring me now... they fascinate me though. I could talk for hours about everything from CANDU to the Fast Breeder argument India and the States are having over civilian listings of such reactors. But I will try to avoid that.

Before a country is considered among the nuclear “haves” they first must be able to take the process from dirt to bomb without dependence on any other nation. The only countries that can claim this are also the only countries that have veto rights with a permanent seat on the UN securities council. Funny? I am not laughing.

Here it comes.

Here it comes.

Here it comes.

Mmm green pepper, French brie, mayo, on toasted rye...

The United States is trying to off load its patriot missile system on who ever will take it for what ever they can get for it. Why? Well because it does not work silly! When a scud breaks up into several pieces over its target the patriots cannot tell which piece of falling debris is the warhead, so even if it manages to hit something odds are it was not the intended explosive. They have no proof it has ever worked. They have proof that it can shoot down friendly British aircraft. And these people wanted to put weapons in space!

The other reason these missiles have hit the barging bin is because the states has better toys than that now. It is now possible for them to destroy a missile as it is being launched. So the silo opens the tip comes up out of the ground and smash! Boom! No more missile or horrible nuclear payload. What does it mean? What does it mean! It means that in the right hands, in the right places this kind of defensive system would render nuclear weapons ineffectual! But fuck if they will share with the likes of you. And fuck twice if it works. Fuck thrice if you can find an enemy to defend yourself against. Missiles? I keep my nuke in the back of the truck. We will just drive it across the boarded when it comes down to it.

See what happens when you let me read the news.

Sean and then.
Uehen is when
You are now

My words are all I have, but don’t you underestimate me.


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12:46 p.m.


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