Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Justice League Is Still Cool.

"The federal government will use its emergency oil reserve to help restore supplies (Lost to Katrina.) U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said in an interview today in Washington the Strategic Petroleum Reserve can deliver 5 million barrels a day, more than three times the amount lost in the Gulf."

Where the hell are they getting that! Not from us I hope! It better fucking not be us!

So I only have the smallest amount of milk left, and a whole bowl full of Rice Krispies™ and I’m thinking to myself, shit. I start to eat the cereal dry, looking at the next to empty milk jug when I have a revelation. I’ll add it to my tea, and pour the tea on my Rice Krispies!™

I have a phone number now. 475-2812 I cannot remember the area code.

Back in toon tonight.

Fold Your Hands Child, You Look Like A Peasant

A kitchen

A table with chairs, a counter in the back ground.

Mom is sitting at the table.

A Enters stage right dressed in pjs.

A: Morning mom.

M: Theses no milk.

A: Crap. Is there any bread?

M: Yeah on the counter. What time did you get back at last night?

A: Twelve, I was home before you.

M: Oh yeah.

A: Bit too much to drink?

M: It was Lynda’s birthday, and yes. I feel horrible this morning.

W enters stage left dressed in what she was wearing the night before

W: Morning mom. (And goes to quickly exit stage right)

M: Where was she?

A: Aarons I’ll bet.

M: I was wondering where she was getting off to all the time.

A: Who or where.

I’ve lost my mind. I’m writing a fucking sitcom.

I’ve also given myself a tattoo. I was waving a pen around when I decided it might be a smart idea to stab myself as hard as I could in the middle of my palm. The result is my tattoo. It is small, only a single black dot, but I will be surprised if it ever goes away. Maybe the ink will break down and be washed all over my body to clump in pieces all over the place catalyzing the creation of cancer cells, but it is showing no sign of fading.

I’ll be back in toon town Wednesday night, and I’ll be staying until Sunday. Call ahead of time for bookings, but reservations are privy to preemption, first come first service preferred.



Friday, August 26, 2005

Words of the day.

Look at it out there. It is a wonder that the plants out there can survive with all the pollution, people, hail, winter, dry spells, and so on. Yet despite natures relentless vigor, all your house plants are dead.

Maybe you should reconsider breeding.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Other One

There’s no home for you here girl go-way, there’s no home for you here.

I’ve been listening to the white stripes a lot lately.

First impressions are only important if it is all you get, in a situation where you are going to be forced to get to know someone, I find them to be rather unimportant. That being said, things did not really get off on the left foot, and any step in the wrong direction means you’ll be back tracking. So firstly and foremost, the thing you must know is my other room mate is a female. I guess I should have prepared for the worst given Tyler’s taste in women (ooo burn) but I had been hopeful.

The idea I had in my mind, and one could even say the reason I moved out here was that I was to be living with Tyler. I guess that I have, and it has been wonderful so far, but. She has the biggest room. She also has a boyfriend who is over here all the time. She slaves after him. She wants to join the army. She reads trashy female porn hidden behind titles like, “To tame the wolf,” “Love in a cold climate,” and “Bittersweet Deception.” She works making lunches for hospitals. She left her home in Ontario to get away from her family and to be with her now boyfriend who she met while playing counter strike online... I guess I cannot hold that one too strongly against her.

I have been trying to be nice, but the razor on my tongue is letting blood spill down my throat. I have been trying to get to like her. I am hoping that I am mistaken in judging her on her rabid consumption of coke-a-cola and junk foods. On her high heals and blond highlights. On her country music and horrible taste in movies.

Worstly, worser, worst of it all, and what is making it harder than hard to stand and to bare is how she so badly wants to be my friend. This is a person who in any normal arrangement would get so far as hello, my name a nodding blank stare as she mentions hers which I would promptly forget. I have certain criteria that must be met, in at least a few places before I consider some one as a peer. I do think I am better than other people, I am a class warrior, I do think listening to CBC makes you a better person than some one who does not. These are things I have come to accept about myself. What the hell else am I going to judge people on! I’ll admit right now that I have written off being friends with people based wholly on their taste in music, their dress, their vernacular, their politics, or simply the way they said hello.

She is the kind of girl I would have wanted to date back in grade eight, before I knew better. The kind of girl who you wonder how she got stuck with the loser boyfriend, until you get to know her and end up with nothing but pitty for them both. He parades her around the other geeks like a golden protractor. She does everything he asks.

Writing this all out was supposed to help me over come my bitterness, but it seems to have just focused it with clear bullet point arguments ready to be cross-referenced.

A whole page complaining.

Waking up for breakfast, burning matches, talking grimly, breaking bottles, throwing garbage, drinking soda, looking happy, taking pictures, so completely stupid, just go away.


Counting Loonies

So i have arrived, we have internet, and tomorrow we will have a phone.

Right now, i am sitting on a small square of rubber matting in the basement. They could not find a way to bring the cable upstairs so it appears that we will be forced to buy a wifi router... most likely an airport if i can hurry up and get a job. That is the deal you see, get a job buy a Mac with the planting money. I have come to realize that there are few things i enjoy more than just sitting in front of the loving glow of a personal computer. So i think spoiling myself with a Mac is warranted.

I just have to get a job first.

Winnipeg may seem from afar as just a bigger version of Saskatoon, but it is important to remember that bigger is better. They have a downtown paved in cobble stone. They have two rivers. There is a place that blows glass just down the street from my house. The area we live in could not be better. There are about three Broadway-ish streets here and we are in the crux of them all. The down town is a five minute bike ride away.

I need book shelves.

Too much tea.

I am running low on pot, which is bad... as i am filling my free time with getting stoned and playing Fable. I really do not know how any one could have asked for more in a game... that being said i haven't beat it yet, and am not yet ready to beat it, but it looks as if it may be almost at that point.

Having a hard time thinking.

Okay, that is all for now, more later.


Friday, August 19, 2005

The First One

Good Bye Diaryland! Hello Blogger!

More with that later!

Too Winnipeg!

