Monday, September 19, 2005

America out.

Kids on the play ground get into a disagreement communication breaks down because they lack the skills or do not have the experience to deal with the situation so they fight. They same behavior can be seen in drunks. And nations. How many of you remember being separated from one of the other kids in the class by the teacher to stop a fight? How many more soldiers would be killed if they just pulled out? How many more lives would be saved from those soldiers guns. Remember when they said there were only a handful of hard core Saddam worshipers who posed a resistance? Well that may have been true, but they did not tell any one of the thousands of others who would easily be brought into the fold of one of the other factions trying to get America out. America out. America out. That is the mindset of these men. If they were really trying to convert Iraq to democracy, they should have taken a more subtle approach. Making these people hate everything America is not going to make them love democracy. Socialism is more likely to spring up than democracy. As soon as America is out, some one is going to over throw the government and take over as the great liberator.



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