Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pronunciation Key


Offensive Slang

  1. Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
  2. A white person regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted attitude.

Recently however I have adopted a definition first put forward to me by Seth. A red neck is one who makes fun of things that they do not understand. Rednecks exist in both political spectrums, both genders, and can be found in all walks of life. I like his definition as it can be applied to many of the people I dislike. So where is he going with this?

It came to a point today, when I realized my fears had come to fruition. For so long I had said to myself, alright I can over look that. I strained on the tips of my toes to look past all the obstacles, to see some common ground, but I fear my mettles depleting. My dear room mate informed me of her latest quest to the local block buster. She said she saw a rather tall bald man, well over six feet was walking around with a black suit and a pair of wings. I commented that it was cool that she got to see such a sight, but she was more confused by how strange it was. ‘Its funny, I don’t get it why would some one do that?’ She laughed at him, instead of with him. She said she did not understand, but now I do.

Soylent Green is people, but no one will believe it.



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