Wednesday, December 07, 2005

It is right across the street and rents for three fifty a month.

Hey all.

Sorry I have not updated in a bit, it has been a little crazy here. I am going a little crazy here.

I spent all of today and yesterday in meetings, and I will be spending all day tomorrow doing the same. Everything is looking great as far as getting a loan goes, but I will not know for another while yet. I have found a potential store front, for a pretty good price, so if everything goes perfect, I could own my own head shop/studio as soon as January. If it goes less than perfect I should have at the very least a studio set up by January.

There is still a lot of ground to cover, as I am doing all of this on barrowed money which is being lent to me wholly on the merit of my ideas. This results in me falling to the ground and screaming in terror every now and then. Lucky this does not happen that often, although it has been happening more often.

The way this works is you get one free chance. I can show them my good idea and they will give me money once. If I fuck this up, I can get more money but next time it will be much, much harder. I will have to have my own money firstly, and I will have to answer many questions as to why I failed the first time. I am not so far in that I cannot get out, I am not so old in that this will be my only chance, but fuck! If I pull this shit off I am set for life! I will be able to do what I love for the rest of my life.

I am going to go lay down and scream for a while.

Uehen panics
Sean screams


Blogger Uehen said...

I forgive no man.
I am not a man.

9:32 p.m.

Blogger Caitypants McMooneyface said...

We're going to a party, a birthday party. It's your birthday, happy birthday darling. We love you very very very very very very much.

8:50 p.m.


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