Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Quest for Fire

So it is day six of a smoke free me and all is going well. It is has been ridiculously easy to stop. I always figured that saying it is not addictive is just one of those things you say, but that cigar I smoked a few days ago has left me with more cravings than I have felt for the lovely marijuana this last week. I have been fairly chronic since high school, so if I was going to develop a dependency I think I would have by now.

To toke, or not to toke: That is the question:
Whether it is better to numb the mind or suffer
These things that make life drab and dull.

I have never dreamt the feeling of an others skin. In my life I believe that I have had one vaguely sexual dream. That one dream came to me before high school. I moved to kiss, then it vanished and I was awake unsatisfied. This dream left in me a desire I had not yet felt to that point. Now this has always been a rather sore spot for me, as it is my understanding that most people dream of intimacy. I dream about being late for work, being in a submarine under attack, tripping and falling, wasteland cities in a post apocalyptic future.

Smoking marijuana hinders ones ability to dream, as it limits the amount of REM sleep one can accomplish. I awoke to this sixth day with the feeling of an others flesh warm on my mind. This first dream.

So now the question has been asked,

Do I want to keep dreaming?

Do I stop smoking to chase this fleeting dream of soft sheets and yellow sunlight.


With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.


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