Monday, November 21, 2005

Fire Sign

Bang! It is off.

I think I was hoping to be disappointed by marijuana. Some place inside of me wanted it not to be any fun. To try it again and say, that all that has happened is I cannot think straight.

It seems this is not the case.

My mind is racing a mile a minute, every inch of my body is alive and wide awake. I feel each muscle move every pressure on my body from the soles of my feet to the collar of my shirt. I can feel my reflexes take over as I dance around the kitchen, opening the fridge, turning on the tap, turn, grab a plate, pirouette, jump, turn, pose, magic hands.

I was thinking about getting money together and opening a sweat shop in India. It would be nice to live in India for a while, and I could open a factory making hemp clothing. It would be cheap to buy, and make I could sell it to stores right here in Canada. Small hands, good stitches.

After only the first few tries, I was not sure if I liked Mario kart DS. Then I played a few more and wanted to beat myself up for ever having thought anything bad about it. It goes cramp my hands after a while, but I just have to learn to relax my hands.

I even remembered to turn the tap head away from me, so that when I turned it on it did not splash all over me. I never remember to do that.

So I just ran out of tree planting money. Good thing I work.

Best go get the days chores done.



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