Wednesday, January 25, 2006

All that is Left

We need to make pamphlets to send to American leftist to come move to Canada.

Dr Phil! Please come and save Canada!


You know, all told I am hardly surprised by the outcome of this election.
I never had faith in the rest of you anyways.

I am glad to see that the NDP gained some ground, I am sad to hear the Bloq lost ground, I hate the conservatives and I think Paul Martin was a good guy in a bad situation.

All I can hope for now is what always happens.
Canada blindly clamouring for, “a change,” while the conservatives tighten their grip on the revolver held countries head. Spin the chamber, results may very!

They do not have the power to put into place all of their fucking crazy policies.

Gay people aren’t people.

Keeping people in jail for longer makes people stop breaking the law.

And healthcare...

Oh poor poor healthcare...

I do not want a conservative government!

Canada felt that sleeping with an aids infected hooker would be good for a change. Bend over and take it from Bush.

I hope
I hope that this will be short lived. I hope they drop the ball and fuck everything they touch for the next year. I want to see everything come crashing down. Then we can get over this time for a change crap and get back to the liberals.

Well, mostly I am just disappointed.

I guess I can always move to Bolivia.
Uehen for this

Friday, January 20, 2006

Everything Gone Numb

Trying to decide if I should stick to my plan and not go to sleep tonight, or cave and crash. Poorly constructed sentances un the mean while...

I think my body would best run on a thirty-six hour clock. Awake for twenty four hours, sleep for twelve. This ten, fourteen thing is not working out in my favour.

I sleep too much these days.

Blessed be the Internet. Three days of downloading and I got the traditional Chinese version of Simcity 3000.

I think I am going to buy Tyler a new video card for this thing. It would be nice if it ran a few games with out making me hate myself.

So how much longer do people have to keep saying that, “they do not teach you how to raise children,” before some one starts teaching people how to raise children? Most people I have spoken to on the matter did not realized that playing peek-a-boo with your child develops their esteem, and helps to teach that although you may not be around, you will be back. An important thing to know about your parents. These are the things that should be taught. Of course if you are committed enough to read a book on raising a child you are arms and legs ahead of most people.

How do you teach people how to teach their children not to lie? How to do their homework? How to avoid sending mixed messages with your disciplinary choices. I believe my habits and lifestyle now are largely a results from the time I spent as a child with my parents and genetics.

Our system now is too ridged and focused on only a part of the picture. We need to rethink how we deal with teaching, starting much younger, with a more open end. I just keep thinking about all this wasted potential. Positive roll models! That is what these kids need.

I often feel that it has gotten all too large.
That we should be living smaller.

The good of the community has been lost in a wash of self-absorbed commercialism. Bah. I am all sleepy and ranty.

Makes me wish I had something to say.

I am going to go get a sweater.

Got a sweater, I feel better.
Did the dishes, baked some biscuits.

The Chinese version of SimCity had the English version with it.
So I guess this means I am going to go play some simcity.

Uehen there

Saturday, January 14, 2006


I love my dog but my dog left me,
I buried my dog under the old oak tree,
I know he is now somewhere chasin n’ free,
And one day soon he’ll be runnin with me.

I love my dad but my dad left me,
He now rests where my son will bury me,
He taught me these words, helped me believe
There is more to a man than his legacy.

I love my love but my love left me,
I buried my love under tear stained dreams,
Melody and memory have come to take me,
So one day soon with my love I’ll be.


What happens to those lost souls.

Friday, January 13, 2006


I feel I should say something to the effect of,

James is holding pictures to the wall and then looking to me for approval. He has a small nail and a determined sprit. There is a hammer downstairs, but that would be too easy. Close to the light switch.

The space bar, it is broken sir. I am not wholly sure what is wrong, but it sure is having trouble fulfilling its task of adding spaces between my letters. Precious, precious spaces.

We have a new tree. It was twenty two dollars from home depot. It is twice as big as our other similar tree which cost the same only before Christmas. Maybe if we did away with corporate holidays and let people just get things on their birthdays people would consume thing a little more evenly all year round and not fuck the economy just before spring.

I look forward to nothing, like I look forward to spring. These last few plus one days have only intensified my craving for shorts, clean pavement, new tires, and no one driving down town at night. This city was build with the long boarder in mind.

Settlers of Catan has expired. My free trial computer version of the game, has come to an end less than a day after it was installed. It is really too bad, as I was learning a lot. I got the game just before Christmas, and it has been gently rocking my world ever since. The rules are simpler than monopoly, and it has more strategy than risk. It is wonderful. Myself and Towelle played four game in a row, and only stopped because every one else refused to play any more.

Beats the hell out of going to the bar.

Or any manner of other things.


If you are worried, you aren’t paying attention.

I fear a conservative government.

A conservative government would result in me losing faith in my fellow Canadians! And if that happens I am likely to be come marginally more irritable. Prone to yelling at strangers, and kidnapping children.

Only write about the crimes you will never commit.

So I guess I have nothing else to say.

Uehen then.

My kinds your kind, I’ll stay the same.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Why did the chicken cross the road.

To mess with your head.

I hope you looked forward to it. Back in Winnipeg and still working at Rogers. You know that string they tie to the bulls balls? My situation is a little like that, but i still have my job. Minimum wage, minimum effort, ridiculous expectations.

Nothing else worth mentioning for now.

Uehen me
