Friday, March 31, 2006

Potential Energy

Some are worried that the two new pipes lines running from the province of Siberia, Russia down into Communist China is little more than a £5.7 billion ploy to put pressure on the EU. This pipeline shows Europe that Russia does not need their business and can then hike the price up on both sides. Some agencies in Moscow worry about Siberia’s ability to stockpile enough fuel to meet the demand, and have raised questions about how much fuel even remains in the region. Which could be why the two are squabbling over who will pay for most of the pipelines construction.

These are the things you start to worry about when you read the news every day.

Stockholm Syndrome describes the behaviour of kidnap victims who, over time, become sympathetic to their captors. The name derives from a 1973 hostage incident in Stockholm, Sweden. At the end of six days of captivity in a bank, several kidnap victims actually resisted rescue attempts, and afterwards refused to testify against their captors.

On titles:
Give MacGyver a stick, a paper clip and some chewing gum he might just make you a kite. You could then give me these same three things, and best-case scenario ends in me with mint fresh breath. There is potential in everything, it just takes some one with vision to flush it out.

With a pencil and paper I can make you a sketch, with a brushes and canvas I can paint you a dream. The more you have to work with the more you can do. See where I am taking this?

Now if you sit in a box for a year, much will go on outside with out you. You may then resurface only to find every one else who did not find it necessary to join you in the box had progressed and developed with their time out side. Their environment would have afforded them a greater range of experiences, and thusly allow them a better understanding of the working world. So...

I guess what I am trying to say is Saskatoon is a box, and you all suffer from Stockholm’s syndrome. You are a victim of your circumstances. Stop watching television, do not read this, understanding that you are a product of your environment means that you must manage what kind of environment you expose yourself too. If you sit in the box, you may learn the secret ways of box, but in the end it is just a box.

So run, run like hell.

The other day I was smoking from my bong.

The flame from the lighter set in motion a magnificent sight. The fire grasped the bottom of a stem then rushing up it spread out and across a perfect little five-leafed star. It burnt golden and red, like a sign from above it filled me with amazement and wonder as it burnt down to yellow and then to ash and grey.

The Use of Energy

Hmm... my moustache has finally started to curl down into my mouth. Perhaps I should just buy a razor...

As we are marching towards the inevitable: the end of fossil fuels on earth. My mind is now drawn towards the question of how best to use what little we have left. Some how taking the truck to pick up a slurpee in the middle of winter does not seem like an ideal expenditure. I realise that nothing will stop you or the Americans from driving these dent resistant coffins, but running out of oil might be a start.

The idea now is to use what energy we have to develop the technology to save our asses. Every barrel of oil that is used within a country produces so much energy that can be spent in any way you use oil. So who is being the most responsible? China. Think about this, for every barrel of oil you produce so much energy, some of that energy goes to research and development and some goes to cruising down 8th street. What government model allows for most efficient rationing of resources? Communism! Now I am not saying that we should all go communist, but maybe we should? Should. Should. Should.

I was told today I should invest in the future.

I thought to myself, I cannot eat money.

If I could do it all over again
I’d do it the same
But I’d work this situation out
So that you were to blame.

Yulia Tymoshenko is the forerunner for what is left of the American backed Orange Revolution that is trying to scrape together a majority in the Ukraine. Power sure is sexy.

I bought a Volcano.

So much to be worried about.

Worried about global warming? Well stop your worrying it is here! In just three days we have lost two thirds of our snow. We are talking about a city that resembled Narnia resembling Narnia as Santa shows up to announce Aslan, Christmas presents and melting snow, snow, snow.

It is like a light switch, sort of. You get the icecaps to start melting and then they hit this point, the waters are a little higher than they used to be and click. The higher water allows for icecaps to float a little bit more and the released pressure allows them to slip into the ocean. One slips in and raises the tides just enough for another to slip in, which allows two, for, ten, all the ice caps come sliding down into the ocean. What happens from here is largely up to debate. The earth was already entering a cooling period which would have slowly brought us into another ice age, but thanks to us its been postponed. If all the ice caps slip into the water it is possible that the immobile icecaps on Antarctica could come lose and slip into the ocean. This would flood the planet. Mostly. All this ice now floating in the water is going to do one of two things. It will either cool the earths oceans so much that the planet “flips” into another ice age, or they all melt and we are left standing on the peaks of mountains.

Imagine taking a canoe between the skyscrapers still standing out of the water huge like fallen gods.

I see conspiracy everywhere I look.


Music Review!

Arctic Monkeys – Whatever People Say
Enver informs me that over in England these fellows are being hailed as the new Beatles. No one else seems to know who them, and I myself found them on I cannot say that I dislike even a portion of this album. It is pop, and soon enough it will be here, likely just in time for the kids getting out of school, so soon we will all be sick to death of it, but until then, hazza!

Belle and Sebastian – The Life Pursuit
Their most produced album to date, I would suggest you download it, but only after you have gone through all their older albums first. Not that it is not brilliant, it is. It just sometimes makes me think that this is what some one would sound like if they were trying to be like Belle and Sebastian. But it is Belle and Sebastian. So I do not know how to feel.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Show Your Bones
They do a good job of keeping up with the predict me not attitude as this is not your momma’s and papa’s Yeah Yeah Yeahs. James did not realise what he was listening to until I told him. The new sound does nothing to diminish the flavour, and Karen O is a flavour factory. A must pawn.

Screw Proofreading!


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