Thursday, May 25, 2006


I was not entirely in the mood to be going to yoga this week; being crushed left me kind of stressed with out a job. So I had a mind full to hesitate, or at lest procrastinate. I went though, and am fully thankful I did. We spent the whole first hour stretching out and making my body feel proper again, and then with three new moves she undoes everything and I am back to being a train wreck. It was... exhilarating... when she demonstrated the first new move, and every one laughed, and then I did it first try. Then she suggested I try to lift my hands above my head and my world went for jubilation to devastation. All the good stretching did undone in a momentary allowance of ego. The great humbler.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

so blessed

I would have had more to say about this, but, ah ha hah hah hah hah ha. Ah. I had been accused many times throughout high school of, “not liking anything,” when it came to things like movies. Giving a poor review to something the Murry boys would be falling all over was more than common, it seemed like the rule. Then I started smoking pot and started to phase movies out of my life. As I smoked more and more marijuana I started to understand the difference between good pot and Christmas Pot. Now, if it is not B, B+ I just do not want any. I am stuck for life paying a premium to ensure I always get the best I can. Then when you move out on your own you stop eating and drinking what your parents would buy and get to start buying your own tea. When I moved in with Tyler we went out to a honey show and got some good honey. Suddenly sugar tastes like aspirin and the honey from Safeway is hardly fit for baking. We had to drive an hour out of the city to an apiary to buy two[x2] four litre ice-cream pail filled to the brims with unpasteurized honey. Pure as it comes from the hive.

Wholly hell. I thought pail was pale, not pail.

Then I find out there is this place called Assam in India that produces the best orange pekoe in the world. I did not know what a full bodied orange pekoe was until I had this tea, and now that I have had it, Tetley tastes like water. So blessed with the taste of emperor and the pocket book of a scullion.

I think I want a dog.

If it was female I would name it Hecuba, for the woman in the play in Hamlet, and then I could call her Cuba for short.

Or Fidel if it was a male. I would call him Castro, but it would be too cruel after having it fixed.

More on life later.

Uehen for this.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

No Longer Resolute

Bless you
and I deeply do
no longer resolute
and I call to you
But the waters go so cold,
and you do lose
what you don't hold.

This is not what I had intended on posting. What I wrote was two pages single space. You get this, because, well.


I just got back from yoga. Not only am I the only male in my class, I am also the only one under 30. So when I was done and got home, the first thing I did was call the yoga place back and sign up for a Monday class as well. I just spent all my money on yoga.

Then I barrowed five grand. So I have a torch and kiln coming in the mail. Would any one like a pipe?

The bottom line, life is good.

I feel as though clouds are gathering, but I always feel like that.

I do not like being in debt, but five grand is not bad. And if all is well that is planned well I will at least the ability to pay half of it back by the summer. But it is a floating line of credit, so I can max it out as many times as I like. Is that not scary? I think it is scary.

But now I have yoga to give me balance.

Or something.


It is harder than I thought it would be, but I cannot get over how the instructor says cobra. I nearly pissed myself trying not to laugh while still doing the move. Chest chin down forward into cobra. Then as we go through it a few more times she starts to abbreviate the instructions, using only key words to remind us of what comes next, lounge, plank, cobra... highlarious. Being stoned for my first match may not have been the best idea, as I passed out standing up. I was in a balanced position so I came too before I fell down, so no one seemed to notice me staggering around in the corner. I had to sit down as soon as soon as I was able to realize what was going on, but luckily the instructor was addressing the class, so it was okay to be sitting. It was like something snapped inside me and I woke up for a moment from a dream, only to find that I had been dreaming and woke up into the more stable reality. Bee ality.

We went out and got eight litres of honey. Beehoney. For our tea. We got it, oh maybe a single week ago, and there are six litres left. Diabetes!


And I'll tell you tomorrow.
Sadie, go on home now.
Bless those who've sickened below;
bless us who've chosen so.