Monday, August 21, 2006

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My head hurts,

I am at our hallowed down town library, and once again, the place is full. I have to be off to work in as little as twenty minutes, but I find my feet have no longing for that place just yet. So I wait and procrastinate, hesitate... bla. My wisdom teeth are starting to peek their way through the back of my mouth, and the affects are rather painful. I think it is why my neck and head hurt.

My kiln is still missing in action, so mostly I just play Mario kart. I ran a perfect circuit just before I came down here, sixteen's races all victories. Have not done that before. Killing zombies takes up a good deal of my time as well. Other than that I mostly just pace back and forth waiting.

I lost my job then got an other one an hour later. Seems like it will be better hours as well. Sun rise lose a job, sun set gain a job.

Well my mind is run,



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