Saturday, October 15, 2005

Minimum wage. If they could pay you less, they would.

I see...

The word processor is making me write on a half sized screen of paper and I can do nothing to change it. All normal reasoning has left me with nothing more than a half screen. Why can I not fix this? Stupid Microsoft.

I have been very good with not spending any money up until today. I spent forty dollars on honey. The kind the bees make. I spend more than that on pot and rent, but some how this feels different. What are we going to do with four kilograms of honey, a half kilo of honey fruit spread, and two tiny bottles of rare white honey? Well drink it of course. We are also going to look into getting a bottle of Mead and get hammered off honey, as that is something I have never done, and will forgive the alcohol for accounts with the honey.

Tomorrow is the end of Domo Days.

So this girl at that was sent to take over after my shift arrives an hour early and did almost all my work for me. Cash out and all. It took us fifteen minutes to finish what normally would have taken over an hour. I commented that she was working hard, to which she replied, “I do what I’m paid for.” I always thought that is what I had been doing. As little as possible.

Desirer to write fading,

Tea and honey amazing,

Havin no job don’t phase me,

Cuse getting stoned,

Makes me lazy.

Not bad for something I wrote on the run. Can I like my own writing? When do I have to draw the line between narcissism and self loathing? I always down play my own writing, and rarely tell any one that I even keep this site updated. I do not think any one if my family knows. Is it vain to want some one to read and enjoy this? Look how witty I am! I described something ordinary in an unusual context to bring a new perspective to something that annoys me. I feel like Danny Finkleman only with out the 45’s.

Ooo obscure CBC reference. So witty.

Spent the last two days listening to the CBC at work. It is better than the other stations true, but they still have their fair share of bull malarkey. Like radio call in shows about gardening. I do not care that some wheezing old woman does not know when to plant her fucking begonias. Go the library if you do not have the internet goddamnit. Why not let the expert just talk about what he loves for an hour instead of polluting the air with dullards. The most interesting things to come of the program came when he broke away from the callers and ranted about how Fire Willow is the perfect sight obscuring shrub for winter and summer thanks to its beautiful colorings, and rapid growth.

Uegh, i just read the last post i posted and it was horrible. I cannot believe myself sometimes. Well I am done trying to entertain you. It is time to get blunted.


Take this job and shove it,
I ain't workin' here no more.
My woman done left,
An' took all the reasons I was workin' for.
You better not to try to stand in my way,
As I'm a walkin' out the door.
Take this job and shove it,
I ain't workin' here no more.


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