Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I’m a forest, I’m a fascist.

I’m annoyed, and my state of mind allows me to put my body on auto pilot and think. Then I started thinking about what I had done since I got home. I got in the door turned on the computer, put water on to boil for tea, then frog eyes, then I got high. Oh addiction. It is funny how our body does what it wants when we let it.

Oh sweet Gemini Jesus.

I came home, in a bad mood. I looked around the gas station, and I saw a self enforced prison. I looked around that place, saw through their paper work, saw through the spy tactics, and felt trapped their by money. Then I called Moe back, got a hold of him and soon may have a new job.

947 9084 - Moe - Monday at Four. Either Cheese or Wine. I should get my hair trimmed. Nah, I’ll do it myself.

So I was in a bad mood and going to rant about how horrible it is to be forced to work at a gas station. Making outlandish remarks about how society is like a game of janga, and how social reform is needed in order to maintain the survivability of everything. How until every ones base needs were meet we would never progress to the next level. Think Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

But now i am in a good mood so I am going to read Dune and think hopeful thoughts.


Do you make good money?
I make some rope,
When you listen,
think of money.
How it dries very ground.
All the roses bloom from money.
Put it in twist it in,
Twist the bills,
Watch the transfiguration,
I know it will make your head spin,
What we do with money,
Oh I found it makes your head spin,
What we do with money,
Did you love the oasis,
The first two chapters sang.
I’m a forest,
I’m a fascist,
Knowing I can turn it.
Are you transcending,
The thing that signifies,
Oh my life.
Promise not to sing the word,
To fallow,
You’ve got science,
We have science,
I have reason for defiance,
We got science via science,
I know it will make your head spin,
What we do with money,
Oh I found it makes your head spin,
what we do with money.


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