Saturday, October 22, 2005

My Wrath

Who would have thought lying to my face would have been one of my buttons. I heard Miranda’s cell phone go off but decided to skip the morning ritual, and not go jump in the shower before her. Twenty minutes later I started thinking that she was having a really long shower. Forty five minutes later I was wondering if it was going to end. Then it did. So after waiting an additional fifteen minutes waiting for the sound of the bathroom door to open, I got up and knocked.
“Have fun having a cold shower, some one turned down the hot water.”
“What?” I proclaimed.
“I had to have a cold shower.”
“The whole time?” I inquired.
She lied. If the steam on the window and mirror had not been there, she still could not have hid that red burnt skin colour you get from sitting in a hot tub. The rush of warm humid air past me and down the stairs. I do not know how to turn the water on the water heater down. So that rules me out, and leaves Tyler and Miranda. Why would Tyler turn the water heater down? Only in the possibility he foresaw this future and set this whole thing up... a cunning plan... but Tyler runs into parked cars on his bike, so I doubt he has any prescience abilities. Which mean even if it was true and she did have a cold shower the whole time, it was her who turned the fucking thing down. I could not see myself in the mirror when I first disrobed, and when I was done my shower, I could see clearly. I do not mind cold showers, I was all about the cold shower this summer. But that being said I do not like being lied to my face in my house for no other reason, than my room mate did not want to own up to using all the hot water. She is greedy, she is a liar, and she is a red neck. I hope she is wise enough to say not a single word more to me, for a good long while.

Sometimes I wonder if I just wait for excuses to yell at people. I can be pretty good at it, but mostly because I prepare. I think about what they are going to say. Angles they will deflect back with and how to counter act. Being prepared however does not always mean I will yell at some one. I often decide against it. So when I do, I usually have my shit together. But now I realize, as every Christian child one day realizes, guilt is the most cutting weapon. I am going to tell her how I see the future, from where I am standing. I am going to tell her the plan for the next few months.



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