Friday, October 21, 2005

Space Time

Ugh, it is only noon?

So I crashed the business meeting and it turns out that it was nothing that I did not already learn from their web site. Out of the hour and half presentation the only thing I got out of it was the difference between a business mentor and an artistic mentor. I had been worried that they wanted me to hang out with another lamp worker, but it turns out they just want me to hang out with another businessman.

I gave them a rough draft of my business plan, and I should be getting a call back about it sometime today I hope. I also went down to the zoning department and talked to them for a while. Then I spent an hour explain what a lamp was to the people in business licensing. Everyone seems to be more worried about the kiln than the lamp... good ol misleading language. So I need to register a business name, then I can get a business loan, but while that is all going on I need the zoning department to give me the okay, and it all costs money. I got to have my first, “but they just sent me to you,” moment, and I have a feeling I may be in store for a whole lot more. The roses bloom from money.

I got a lot done today.

The ball is in their court for now.

Give me money! I will give it back I promise! Their youth business loans rock, I only have to pay back the interest for the first year, and frankly speaking if I cannot pay back most of the loan in the first year I am not going to be happy. Rent, Food, Pot, Loan. Descending ordered of importance.

Teacher: Okay class, just to dispel any play ground confusion on the matter, Back words day is November twenty third.

Student: But that is a Saturday.

Teacher: That is correct, so in the spirit of the day you will all be coming to school that day. There will also be a math test.

If it takes Mary forty minutes to walk to Jane’s house, and she leaves at three forty what time does she arrive.

So I got the Lego out. And if you call it legos so help me god I will cut you. I can already see that this is my finest creation. Almost two feet tall and I have hardly put a dent in my supply. My goal is to use every piece I have in a fortress. THE MANA FORTRESS!!!

I can see how I have already developed over the course of the evening, breaking away from old patterns and styles I developed during my youth. I have given up the self imposed rules, or ideals I once had about how a fortress should be built. I have, take these old styles to heart, and still use them where I think it adds greatest affect but mostly I have allowed myself to simply flow around the creation as it slowly shows itself into a monolithic testament to being bored and stoned. I build little jokes into the walls of the castle itself, things that I am sure only I would find funny. Patterns repeating themselves in a giant construction build for the sole intent of holding a door in floating in the air.

So if it take Mary fourty minutes to walk to Jane’s house and she leaves at three fourty what time will Mary arrive at Jane’s?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we die I hope there is some one who makes us fulfill all our promises. So once again you will love me, and I may be reborn.

The Cup of Wishes

2:14 a.m.


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