Thursday, October 20, 2005

Pointing at Chaos

People who work out are performers. Whether for themselves or for others, it is just a simpler performance.

Oh god. I try not to think about it. How my future hangs on the balance of two entities.
The Men With Money, and my nigger James Brown.

It makes me want to freak out a little.

Yay for businessman.

I have a seminar tomorrow at nine in the morning at the Cargailed Building. Seems they have meetings for people like me on a regular basis. Would a suit be too much? Or would it be the perfect tool for begging for money. Oh the roses bloom from money. I did not figure a new computer into my budget. I wonder if I can get the rbc to hold the loan for me, and then get another loan out on top of that one... incase I ever need an extra five grand for something. Ugh. My head hurts. Kind of makes me want to punch Miranda. Well I cannot hit Tyler, I like Tyler.

What is the weather like.

It hurts a little inside when I give thanks, for those ten degrees above freezing.

Long johns rock.

So does Bella and Sebastian. I met a fifty year old woman whose two favorite bands were Korn and Metallica. You meet some crazy people pumping gas. Now I work at rogers video. Soon I will work for myself! Muahahahahahaaa... ahhh I need money. I hate money. It is like a hate, hate relationship. I hate that I do not have enough, and I hate people who do.

Hate is such a strong word, but money fits so nicely into that black place within my heart.

Makes me feel punchy.

Bah! They just called and said the seminar is full. Hmm. I am going to go anyways.

Marijuana: Crutch or Cure-all?

More on that next time.

Uehen or Sean


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