Sunday, October 16, 2005

Saskatchewan entrepreneur finds fortune in Manitoba.

I will be the sole proprietor of the manufacturing business ‘Since 1983’ to be run out of his home. Primarily manufacturing Pyrex products the business will be split into focusing on two different sections of the market place. Manufacturing pyrex jewelry, ornaments, and dishware are to be the primary focus for the first year, with pyrex paraphernalia being secondary. There is also the potential of expanding into lab equipment in the coming years.

The demand for glass products has always been there, but due to the initial investment costs few artisans have bothered to take it up as a career. The market is largely untapped with a few exceptions being for that of relatively low quality imports. As a result of the quality issue many retail outlets are often reluctant to import as you do not get a chance to see what it is you are buying until it arrives, and as no two pieces are ever the same you often end up with surprises. In my experience working for one such retailer I would often find glass with design flaws, and was then forced through a lengthy and costly return of the item, only to have something else unexpected arrive. By developing a face to face relationship with local merchants, I will be able to provide a better quality of service, and will be better equipped to handle special orders with out having to undercut the competition. This allows me to maintain my profit margins, save the retailer on shipping expenses, and provide fast reliable service.

The first three months of operations will consist of finalize a working product line, and establishing a customer base with local merchants. Initial development stages have already been under way for almost a year, and my initial market surveys of potential retail outlets has been very promising, with interest from both independently owned and franchise outlets. I worked as the manager of one such outlet for almost a year and have extensive experience with the inner workings of such businesses, as well as a firm understanding of the demand within the market place.

Within the first year I hope to be able to expand and hire another artisan to work manufacturing with me, and then hire or contract out a traveling sales representative to expand my customer base in other cities. A book keeper will likely be needed at this point as well.

Three years in I will start looking into renting a small storefront, phasing out some of the local merchants to draw in more business to my own outlet. Manufacturing in the space itself will allow for custom orders to be produced onsite and adds tourist value to the store. Hiring retail staff and training other lamp workers to manufacture will allow for an increase in productivity and allow for export into other cities. This will also allow for the possibility of expanding other outlets in other provinces with the same gimmick of having the studio in the store itself. Each store would also serve as an art gallery for local artists.

Not a bad first draft, eh? Still has a lot of work to go into it through.

So the plan is to hide behind other retail outlets while I hone my skills, then as soon as I am worthy, bam! Cut off the supply to my time companions turned competition and move out on my own and take all the customers with me! Muahaha. How else could I make some one else pay for my education? Sure I may not be that good now, but how many days is it going to take me to learn how to weld two bits of glass together? I successfully shaped a symmetrical glass bowl in two days, and glass blowing is a world harder than lampworking let me tell you. Let them sell it for me until I can sell it myself. Muahahaha...

If you have any ideas for my company name please post it in the comments, I have made it so you do not need a blogger account to spam my space.

On the other hand.

Bird Flu? Why the hell is everyone so fucking afraid of bird flu? It has only been around since 1997. AIDS got on its way back in 1978 and I do not hear any one freaking out about it mutating. Who is to say that a virus so widely spread over a massive population base will not mutate so that it can live in human saliva? Something it has a hard time doing. Then what if some one sneezed on you, and you got AIDS?

And all the other things we do not like to think about.

Honey is bee vomit, and ultimately tastes like what ever they ate. This wild flower honey is almost beyond comprehension. It turns tea to gold. Bees vomit goodness.

Sometimes Tyler worries that he is not funny. Sometimes I worry that Tyler is not funny.

Haha. Burn.

I am just glad she has learned not to make me tell her no all the time. It may not have been the first thing she learnt, but it is the most appreciated. Ugh I just read the history of AIDS. that truely is of all thoes other things we do not like to think about.

Which brings me to all the killing that has been going on. So some stupid jock was in the wrong place at the wrong time and caught a bullet. Every one freaking out panic! Oh my god! A white child of suburbia dead! Call out the guard! Increase the jail time! That will surely discourage them from committing crimes!

Firstly this kid was walking around the north end at night, he should have known better. People get killed there all the time. Secondly gang members do not think they are going to jail, and often are heard to remark, “I cannot believe this,” when they are getting arrested. So how is telling them they are going to jail for a longer period of time going to stop them if they do not think they are going in the first place? You can lock up the entire north end but they will just stab each other in prison. People do not change, we are just people.

Stabby stabby.

And all my problems disappeared.

So I went into Record Trader today with the intent of finding a reasonably priced record for me to listen to whilst I wrote my business plan. There had been many albums which I intended for myself when last I was there, so hopes of finding some devilish delight coursed over my be-ing, only to be doused with a cold bucket of over priced half interests. I guess I will take a trip downtown tomorrow for searchings of some heavenly high fidelity after dealing with the phones for the morning. Most of my albums are of the seventy five cent variety, few of which I can listen to more than once in a day, or week. There are albums I can listen to with seemingly endless repetition, and it annoys me that I have not them in the pressed style.

It would be wrong of me to continue.


And the villagers knew the forbidden ways of the ghost shark. And that they must answer to him before anything else—the ghost shark


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