Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Potemkin village

A Potemkin village

It really sums up everything I could every hope to teach you about life.

by Prince Potemkin for his mistress, the Tsarina Catherine the Great. To please his shortsighted mistress, Potemkin built fake villages on the riverbanks filled with serfs who were ordered to look happy and smile as the Catherine sailed by on her tours of the Ukraine and the Crimea in the 18th century.

I am sure it was not the first time some one had done something of the sort, but unfortunately it just had to be named after a Russian, so I have little hope of remembering it after this post. ohtemkin the p is silent. mostly.

Stupid Russian.

This is perhaps my greatest fear, that everything presented to me was tailored just for me. Now, in saying just for me, I really mean just for us. As few people are worth building a happy town for, but we, the middle educated, class, ground kind of people can often be treated as a single entity. When you have a broad and open goal you can take a broad and open approach. Advertising takes very simple understood methods and applies them to the masses in order to boost sales. It works. Sales go up and I cringe in fear.

You ask most people if they would have joined the Nazi party, and they will tell you no of course not. But back in the day, no one in Germany really understood what was going on. There were those who knew, and who said something about what was going on, but largely it was ignored, and people were more than happy to believe that we were doing no wrong.

The haze over the city did little to diminish my desire to skip work, but already belted in for another ride there was little else to be done. The residents a la north end lazily make their way in the day, walking to and from the shops, waiting by a bus stop. Stopped at a red light I watch, I wonder, as I see a sign partly behind some one waiting. From where I sit I read, “You can trust...” I speculate and wonder what the advertisement would be encouraging me to trust. When the person moves, the light changes, and my stomach churns. You can trust advertising. And ad from the ad council. My mind reels, in a dizy haze as my vision is flooded by signs of one time offers, faster cars, lower loan repayments, faster weight loss. Trust in advertising. The advertising told me too. Why I worshiped walmart and my silky shampoo.

We are burning witches,
Leave the ditches for the bitches
As my nickel james brown said,
A bitch in the hand
is worth two if its bush.

In my last post I tried to review music. I am sorry. I have no place trying to review music. I am extremely critical of most everything and often disregard something on little more than a whim. I deleted the new snow patrol album after hearing only half of the first song. I wrote off coheed and cambria before I was done reading the title of their latest album. So from now on I will try to avoid anything that resembles a review.

You would miss me
and all that if I left you again
If I said it was over,
that it was not pretend
Would you still take me back
Would you forgive and forget
The words of hate that cut you,
That twice left you for dead.
To come back just as you
Start feelin all shiny and nice,
To tell you I love you.
And ruin your life.

Hit home runs,
Not your wife.

What would you do if they did this to you
How many friends would you lose
Before the life that you were living
Was no longer a life you could choose

I am always worried that I am not at my best, then I do not want to write, or pick up what I left off. If I start something and think it is good I do not want to come back to it with anything less than half a mind. Which rarely happens. So it sits and waits and I look at it and start to hate it and wonder if I should just post it or edit it, or add more or what. So it sit while I debate in idle thoughts about bullshit. I feel I need to write something.

I never know if I said something offensive in my until I get a response. I should start keeping carbon copies to remind myself that this calm after the storm may be with due cause.

I admit my faults, and how I have faulted you. Not to try to make myself look bad, but to make you look. To try to understand that what I say is thought by more than myself. Most people would have you save them or clamour for the chance to save you.

I have learned that stepping forward to say what every one is thinking, often ends in your martyrdom. I can think of several instances where I have come to wish I had not said something quiet so elegantly.

The Metis are half decent people, at heart. And I am going to hell. Free speech eh?

I am going to have to do more than just change my name when I go into politics. I think a lot at work. I walk around picking things up and putting them down again. For hours on end. So I have a lot of free time to ponder everything I could imagine. So far I have little to show for it.

Flip on the Volcano!

Its 10:37 do you know where your marijuana went?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that actually never really happened (the potemkin village dealie). it's just one of the many urban myths surrounding catherine great. (well, he got people to dress up and act like villagers, but he never actually made pretend villages)...

3:54 p.m.

Blogger Uehen said...

My Cousins first husband’s sister told my brother and he told me that urban myths are a true fact, than the fact I have no brother.
It is morality based story the details are insignificant! It is the morals that are important. The morals.

4:49 p.m.


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