Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ah Pook, is here.

I am now wholly sure what to say,

It might be a little early in to be writing, but there is little else to do at four am.

Truth: I had foreseen clouds around this situation from the start, butIi dismissed them as standard aches and pains, betting that the odds would all play out in the end.

So word got around that I needed a place to live, I was sitting in the staff room eating when our antagonist came and sat at my table. I was the only one in the room, so it was not to surprising, but what was more of a shock was that he came with gifts. A place to stay, enough to eat, some place safe and dry, and it is only just down the street. The price was right, I came on down, I looked it over and we sat down. I said to live here would be simply grand, so I rallied my resources and came up with a plan.

I could not move in for a month and a bit as his room mate would only be leaving at this time. So I came to live with my only remaining friend I have here in Winnipeg for the next month. Then yesterday was the twenty seventh, and I find out that I am no longer able to move in. His room mate is not leaving, and I have no place to live. I called the land lord of the place on the twenty fourth, and she informed me that his roommate had resigned the lease. I called our antagonist and he was wishie washy, he said that he did not know what was going on, and that he would call me when he discovered what there was to be. I called him two days later, trying again to discover my fate, only to be once again meet with a "I do not know what is going on," kind of answer.

Then I get to work, and three different people inform me, in three different ways, that this situation, is only news to me. That the roommate had long known that this situation was coming to a head, and that I was the only one left in the dark. So I called him on it, infront of as many people as possible, in my usual calm lets get things out in the open kind of way. He did not apologize, instead he got angry and threaten that I should, "shut my mouth or I he would shut if for me." He claimed that he only knew of this situation recently, and that he told me as soon as he knew, which could not be the case as he never gave me a straight answer on anything. His landlord was the one that ended up telling me. I must admit I was a little perplexed by his lack of empathy on the situation, things being as they were it was I who should have been the one getting angry and yelling. Instead I just called him a liar, I told him that I thought he knew the situation, and was merely keeping me on the side lines as a back up plan encase things fell through with his current room mate.

So the moral of the story is, I do not really have a place to live, and you cannot count on your fellow Irishman.

the destroyer


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