Friday, September 22, 2006

Depending on Time Zone

Twenty two days with the internet and I have posted once.

Have I lost the will to speak, or the time. Both. Its both.

People are funny. A fellow comes in and buys two one litre bottles of coke. It was the special, so he was going to get them both for only three dollars. On his way to the counter, he was intent on paying for them, when he dropped one and it hit the floor. He picked it up and sat the other on the counter to examine the fallen container. I advised him, "You may want to let that sit for a moment," to which I thought he murmured some sort of agreement, but he proceeded to open it right then and there. Now I do not likely need to explain what happens to a carbonated beverage that has been well shaken just before opening, but he got coke all over himself. The other bottle sat on the counter, undropped and unopen. I looked at him as you might expect one would look upon an helpless retard pawing at the television.

I am a hermit!

Monday I wake up around six or so, putter around drinking tea talking with Amy and her kids until it is time to go to work around eight forty five, I get to work at ten fifteen, fifteen minutes late every day, but the way the bus run it is that or I am an hour early. I stay at work until eight in the morning, and the bus gets me home just after nine. I sip tea and chat with Amy until ten ish, when I go to bed. I will wake up any time between six and eight and I will repeat this until Thursday. Thursday until Sunday is a little bit of a toss up, as I will likely work three of the days at the hotel, and have a day off. This week I have Friday off, which is nice because it allows me to take advantage of the music stores, and the tea store all in the same day. I plan on getting a tea pot tomorrow. Then it is Monday again and I do it all over again.


(It is morning the next day now)

I live in a constant fear of going blind. If I so much as touch my eye, or even around it, I will likely spend the next day and a half in a constant state of fear. Why does my eye hurt, is that dryness normal, should it feel like this when I blink? And so on.

Yeah I am really reaching here.

the baby sister offered to make chicken noodle soup, which I accepted. An hour and a half later I decided I would just leave get something to eat after I got my new tea pot. After changing shirts (its a little chilly) I came upstairs to find it on its way to being made. So now I am here talking to myself infront of a computer when I should be waiting for a bus uptown.

Every now and then I get these chest pains. It started sometime after I was in grade four. When I was living in New Brunswick I got sick and had to go to into the hospital, they had no idea what was going on with me, so I spent almost a month in isolation with out being able to walk. Then sometime after that I moved back to Saskabush and the pains started. It comes and goes, lasting for a month or so at a time, and then going away for four to six months. I had all kinds of testing done, from ulcer to cancer to bla bla bla. In the end, they still had no idea what was wrong with me. So I lived with it. Then when I was just out of highschool I went to the doctor over a worse than normal bout of the pains and he told me not to worry about it. Seems that it happens to men in their twenties, that when in a stressful situation they start to develop unexplainable chest pains. Seems strange that I started to develop a condition for twenty year olds when I was twelve, but such is life it seems... or you know, he was mistaken. Weirder still is milk seems to relieve the symptoms. The pains have been back now for almost two weeks, so I am hoping they will soon dissipate, and they are showing signs of lightening up, it just sucks to feel like your chest is in a vice.

Where the hell does Campbells get off putting so much fucking salt in their soup? I wanted chicken noodle, not dead sea scroll. Well I best go get that tea pot.

nothing else for now.




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11:51 a.m.

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4:34 p.m.


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