Monday, October 09, 2006

What is there to say?

I feel like I have run out of things to say. I could worry about north Korea, or I could complain about the third x men movie, but it feels as if I would just be repeating myself. And I hate repeating myself.

So I avoid it (with varying degrees of success,) in thought, writing and day to day affairs. and I perhaps stop thinking about some things prematurely, and allow myself to get stuck in these half baked opinion, and preconcluded ideals. When I look at the news, I do not read anything out of America anymore, nor do I read what other countries have to say about America... unless it is Hugo calling Mr.Bush Satan, ahh haha ha. Yeah. that was awesome... but most of the time I just avoid it knowing I will only be annoyed by what I read.

But I think I have spent enough time on this.



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