Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Glass Dreams


Chest pains make life hard.

I spent last night on the ninth floor of the Fort Garry hotel. It was pretty nice, I even managed to get room service to bring me breakfast. I only wish it had been under less strenuous circumstances, as I worked ten hours, and then had only seven hours before I was to be back working again so they gave me the room to nap in. It took me two and a half hours to fall asleep, but I did manage to use both towels and all the little soaps supplied. I figured they would have known it was me if I took the bathrobe home.

Something smells funny around here and I am not convinced that it is not me.

On further inspection, it is the garbage.

I live with three males in their twenties, and once again I find there is carpet in my kitchen. Not to call these boys slobs, but it should not take me to explain to you what spills can happen in a kitchen, and what evils lurk in the carpets. We also have to use a screw driver to turn on and off the hot water for the shower, so I am poised to start bathing solely at work. Even on days off. It has five shower heads and gets hot enough to remove skin for as long as you dare to let it scald you.

House keeping even supplies me with fresh soft towel every time.

My three marbles came out in a rather pleasing fashion. One one of them is a perfectly round shape, the other two are acceptable considering I am still with out my tweezers. Not having tweezers means I have to use other pieces of glass to hold the glass, so bits of the glass end up melting onto the marble making an imperfection. It is not an impossible situation, just a difficult one.

It is raining out side, so wondering around to look for suitable tweezers is an idea I am not keen on. The Gallery is not open for some reason, which means there is no one to show people the wood cuts and paintings and no one to let the electrician in to wire the power for downstairs. This means that the fans will not spin and I will slowly suffocate if I try to work for any length of time. I did not notice how stale the air had gotten last time until I stopped and came back to it after a few minutes. Propane burns cleanly enough, it is true but the flame takes the oxygen out of the air rather quickly, and a small basement window will not replace the air quickly enough with out the spinning fans. If I go home I will put my bed together and realize that it is still only six or seven, and have nothing else to do.

So I write this!

Still these marbles are hell of sweet. So far they cost me two grand each to make, plus labor. The poppy red is indeed very red. Most lampworkers 'dilute' their colours with clear glass so that they do not use as much of it when laying it down. I too plan on employing this trick, as colour is expensive, but when you just lay it on it can come out oh so very brightly.

Though, marbles are not all to practical. I have not played a game of marbles since grade three or four. I remember losing when I did. It would not be oh so hard to attach a loop for putting a string through affectively turning them into pendants. But I kind of want to save them and attach them to a bong.

I am only starting to feel the frustration from lack of talent. So many ideas, so little ability.

I also need some smaller tube. I have two sizes, big, and bigger. This makes making a good deal of smaller things difficult. I cannot make you a bowl for your bong, nor can I make you a marble with your name in it... well maybe I could but it would be a trial just getting the tube down to the right size. incasing colour in clear glass is also made more difficult for this lack of small tube. Hmmm... I could also use a PBF glove...

I think next on the list is some new buttons for my jacket. I lost another one at some point between now and the last time I did it up.

On that note, it is not going to get any warmer out tonight and I do have to put my bed together at some point.



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