Tuesday, December 19, 2006

as you sailed your great ship towards the morning

Twas the nineteenth of December

And i stayed up all night making things of glass for the people i knew. I decided to take a break and smoke a joint after having a small bit of molten glass explode to the back of my throat. I am not sure if i spat it out, but i guess i will find out shortly enough.

Lee drank all my egg nog, which leaves me nogless. I still have an apple pear, a green pepper, and a half tin of nuts left as rations for the rest of the night. Counting the joint between my lips, i have four.

When you are sitting at home eating pasta with tomato sauce, it can be hard to remember why i am spending so much money on glass. But when there behind the fire and a perfect orb of glass expands in front of me, it all comes back. i think back to building things with Lego. i think of all the things i will be able to make with this molten medium.

Joanna Newsom has a new album Y's. I suggest you try to listen to it as soon as possible. Some people will find it against their liking, as Lee (the one who drank my eggnog) has proclaimed time and time again. There are only five song, but it is an hour long, leaving you with songs ten to fifteen minutes long. They are like fairy tales.

And the meteoroid is a stone that's devoid of the fire that propelled it to thee.

She rarely repeats herself, so it has added weight when she does. She has a strange sort of accent where she just bends what ever word she needs until it rhymes.

It is like having to tell your best friend that you have let them down, the one time it really mattered. Knowing you killed, hands bloody when you could have saved those same lives. Like remembering the day after. Waking up every morning a cancer. Toothless, mumbling on the corner.

Coming back to Saskatoon!


Did you hear that, Bear? Said monkey
We'll get out of here, fair and square
They've left the gate open wide!


Blogger Miss Divine said...

Hi there!
Interesting writings, and oh so many! I'll read most of them pretty soon.
Why don't you put some pics of your glass work, here or on some other blog?


3:12 a.m.

Blogger Caitypants McMooneyface said...

A dear friend sent me that new Joanna Newsom album, and I adore it. Truly.

How's things?

4:38 a.m.


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