Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Beware the ideas of March!

Well you will get none of my pity! You hear me? I am saving it all for myself! It is my pity, all my self pity.

Scatter brain.

The first draft says a lot about a person. The second and third revisions get a little clouded.

Keep writing everything down eh?

Well I have been thinking about that lately as well. I have had a lot of time out here, and a fair bit of hash as well. As said before, and as I will keep saying if for no other purpose than satire, that my greatest fear is that I will not be able to write down my last thoughts as I am dying. That I would want some one else to know, is that not weird? Why am I so possessed with telling you what is on my mind. Well I mean you hear what is on my mind, after I censor, reword and delete most of it. By not posting everything I think I sometimes feel that I am manipulating you into thinking things about me. How much of what I say can you really take at face value? This should only be used as an approximation of who I am, as it is me telling the story.

I decide what you believe about me, because I can write it how ever I like. Most times, yeah I am too lazy to proof read even once and just post it. However I usually do not say much in these posts. Or am I just discrediting them so you will over look them yourselves... The ones that I rewrite a dozen times or more often are set up to make you believe what I want you to believe. I can do this, because there is no one to say otherwise. So what do you believe? What do you think I am trying to say with all this? Is this a manipulation tactic as well? I seem to just be exposing the weakness in my own writing, there cannot be anything deeper here...

Maybe I am just trying to get you to read more closely to try and find some hidden meaning, and as a result you will make up patterns and extrapolate ideas about me. Coloured by your personal experience, and what you have been told. Maybe I am just hoping you will pick up on that subtle joke, or come to some great realization. Or something. Maybe I am trying to dissuade some of you from reading this. By writing something self contrived and egotistical I will make you believe I am stuck full of myself, and make you realize there is nothing worth reading herein.

A Sense Trick


So I say something, some one laughs, and every now and then they ask, “What is that from?”

Back in the day I was always the first one to pull out a Simpson’s quote, and was often times forced to reveal that it was not me behind the genius... like all those lyrics I post and then not tell you who wrote them... it was some one else.

I stopped watching the Simpson’s sometime around the end of high school. Then I stopped watching television. I stopped going to movies and listening to the radio. I started to tune pop culture out of my life. I stayed online and read comics, played video games, and pirated music. (Arrg Matis!)

Now when they ask, I more often than not, get to claim it as my own. My memory augmentation habit has also maked it hard to remember quotes. I am kind of forced to just keep making it up as I go.

I did once get to yell, “THE HOSE,” and push Amanda.

Cloud is a stupid spelling. It should be... something else... more festive.

Keep writing things down. So why do I feel the need to write this down. Most of my time walking around is spent composing paragraphs in my head. I come up with an idea and then work it out in my head then come write it down. If it is written on paper first it usually does not make it online, I am far too lazy to transcribe anything. That being said, I used to get really annoyed if I did not make it to paper before the idea passed. I felt the need to catalog all of my ideas, in case I need them again later, when I am old and have forgotten how to live. Is that what I am afraid of?

I have started to think that writing is not so much important. I write to improve. To analyze myself and collect my thoughts so that I can understand myself, but I do not have to write it down to improve! Do I? Can I not just think, and use my thoughts to build a foundation on, instead of these puny paragraphs. (Lame) I think the English language limits my thinking. When I think, I think in words. Words that are bad at math. And grammar. Thinking is like an internal monolog with me. I can understand my body, I know every feeling in it, but words cannot describe! Ah! Alas I am limited by the medium of my own mind! I am limited by my humble understanding of it; I have only so many words to use at my disposal.

Synonymous. Say it out loud. Now use it in a sentence. Feels good.

The Italians have words to describe how well their pasta is cooked. Think about that.

Well Tyler, I waited, and I talked to you about it. I have not changed my mind; so much as I have decided to talk to her when you are not around. So even if you do take a moment in your busy day to read this, it is most likely too late.

On conflict. It really is a love hate relationship with me and conflict. So high energy, requiring dynamic thinking, remaining calm, and not losing focus on your points. Debate taught me well. And StarCraft taught me bringing a tank to a gun fight is the surest way to win a war.

Do you ever laugh when you read this?

So Beaver and Steve is one of the most amazing comics to come along in a long time. Sing along. It will not take you more than a half hour to read all the archives, and it is worth ever strip of it.

Steve’s girlfriend has the same name as my room mate. Find out why that is funny on strip five! And do not forget the exciting conclusion on strip six!

I do not normally use exclamation marks. I do not normally yell in my head. But I am right now!

I blame the Liars. I have been listening to them in an every other album pattern for three days now. Last two weeks it was Frog Eyes who got almost every other play. Belle and Sebastian have been holding on very well, with The White Stripes and Neutral Milk Hotel both almost completely dropping of the radar. I want to get some Dead Kennedy’s. I also want to find out the name of that girl who plays the harp and is really big on the folk festival circuit. High voice singing songs, it haunts me even now, but for all my verbosities I cannot describe it.

Eschew obfuscation.

It is only funny if you bother to look up the meaning. It is English I assure you.

Where is the line between self promotion and selling out, are there standard for online blogs? If I started flaming forums to draw in readers into this blog o mine, would that be shameful? Should I be actively trying to recruit, so that I may have more people to subject to my ranting. Ravings. I could be the walrus.

But I would still have to bum rides off people.


How can I be expected to run in these shoes? Shiny, shiny shoes.


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